For most people, maths has a bad reputation. We have heard (and sometimes voiced), “I’m just not a maths person,” or “maths is too hard.” The truth, however, is that maths doesn’t have to be scary. In fact, maths can be this fun, engaging, and enjoyable part of a child’s day when introduced early and incorporated into life. The idea is to start simple, be somewhat relatable, and most importantly, encourage curiosity instead of fear. The good news is that you do not have to be a maths whiz yourself there are countless opportunities in daily life to explore maths with your child!
Incorporating Maths: Everyday Opportunities to Explore Numbers and Counting
Maths is everywhere-it’s in the number of apples you pick at the grocery store, the coins you count for a snack, or the steps you take on your daily walk. The beauty of early childhood learning is that it doesn’t need textbooks or calculators. It only calls for some creativity to make maths a regular part of their routine, as seen in preschool curriculum and kindergarten learning programs.
Counting during Dinner: Count the grapes on their plate or count out the number of silverware you lay when setting the table. Give opportunities for problem-solving with questions like “How many more forks do we have to put out so everyone has one?”.
Grocery Store Maths: Take advantage of trips to the grocery store to learn about numbers and comparison. Ask your child to help you count the oranges in the cart or compare prices between two items. Let them weigh fruits and veggies as it’s a great way to introduce basic concepts of weight and measurement, which are key in preschool pedagogy.
Age-Appropriate Maths Activities: Ideas for Toddlers and Preschoolers
Maths exploration needs to be simple and even hands-on for toddlers and preschool children. Here are some ways to get those little minds excited about numbers and patterns:
Sorting Games: Ask your child to sort toys or objects by size, shape, or colour. This activity builds early maths skills as it encourages categorization and comparison.
Building Blocks: Building blocks or LEGO helps children understand spatial relationships and basic geometry. Challenge them to build different shapes or to count how many blocks went into the tower.
Simple Puzzles: Introduce number or shape puzzles to encourage the use of problem-solving skills. Puzzles require two fundamental maths skills in young children-thought and spatial awareness.
Benefits: Builds Confidence; Provides a Basis for Later maths Learning
In the earliest years, presenting maths in a lighthearted, playful way to children reassures them. When children think they can succeed at maths, they are sure to attack subsequent maths issues with a more positive attitude. They come to realise that maths is not merely about memorising formulae to write on a page but a tool to use in real life, whether it be counting toys, baking a recipe, or measuring how tall one has grown.
Early mathematics activities are also a great precursor to classroom success. Playing with maths during daily routines encourages the growth of critical thinking, problem-solving, and analytical skills.
Engage Kids in Fun Learning with maths
Mathematics doesn’t have to be something a child will dread but something fun, interesting, and natural in everyday life. Whether it’s counting steps on a walk, or going to play with building blocks, maths is around every corner and if we can make the time fun for kids, chances are they will learn with eagerness and curiosity.
We believe that learning is to be loved right from the start at Podar Prep. Maths is woven into a hands-on, playful experience that is meaningful and fun to learn. Discover our numeracy-based curriculum. Visit Podar Prep Official or check out Podar Prep. Ready to support your child’s maths journey? Enrol now!