Incorporating Movement into Learning for Preschoolers

Incorporating Movement into Learning for Preschoolers

Incorporating Movement into Learning for Preschoolers

The Link Between Physical Movement and Cognitive Development

Ever notice how children learn most while they are on the go? It is no accident that there is a strong linkage between physical movements and cognitive development in early childhood. The development of motor skills, concentration, and memory of these are developed through exercise. It is a very vital part of learning at an early age, especially in preschool and kindergarten learning programs.

Movement-Based Learning: Examples of Kinaesthetic learning activities. (Yoga, etc.)

Movement-based or Kinesthetic learning refers to the process by which children use their bodies as part of the procedure of learning. Some of the basic but effective activities you can introduce to your child include the following:

  1. Yoga for Kids: Yoga connects physical movement with mindfulness, helping children understand the body, balance, and relaxation. Certain postures, such as the “tree” or “cat-cow,” incorporate motor skills and allow the child to feel calm.
  2. Action Songs and Rhymes: The songs which require movements, like “Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes,” relate words to the appropriate actions, hence developing language in children and motor skills. 
  3. Obstacle Courses: Set up a simple obstacle course in the living room, over which kids can jump, crawl through, or balance themselves.
  4. Storytelling Interactive: Let them enact the stories they hear from you. Acting like characters or imitating some actions from the story will help kids remember the story more and also draw on the creative juice inside them, thereby making the process quite engaging. This is an approach integrated into early childhood learning.

Benefits: Development of Concentration, Memory, and Motor Skills with Movement

Incorporating movement into learning doesn’t just get the wiggles out; it offers a slew of developmental benefits. When children move while learning, they’re likely to be able to focus better and retain learning more effectively.

Movement also helps in acquiring the motor skills of child-from fine motor skills holding a pencil to gross motor skills like running and jumping. These are very important in daily living and even in academics, especially in writing. Besides, physical activity releases endorphins that reduce stress and anxiety, thus providing an emotionally appealing environment for learning.

Tips for Parents: How to Encourage Active Learning at Home

You don’t need a lot of space or any special equipment to move a part of your child’s learning routine. Here are some easy ways to bring active learning into your home: 

  1. Create Movement Breaks: Children have short attention spans, so just by doing quick movement breaks-for example, dancing to a song or doing a few stretches-you can refuel focus and energy.
  2. Make Learning Physical: Almost any activity to do with learning can be made to incorporate movement. For example, if your child is learning to count, have them jump the correct number of times. 
  3. Dance Party: Put some music on and initiate a candid dance party. This is such tremendous fun, allowing the release of energy as it helps develop coordination, rhythm, and creativity.
  4. Include Outdoor Play: Nature walks or trips to the park are very good opportunities for active learning. Encourage your child to count trees, identify colours in nature, or hop between stepping stones. 

Making Movement an Integral Part of Early Education

Movement helps a child’s learning development, which is important, not only in physical development but also in promoting cognitive and emotional growth. 

We at Podar Prep have introduced motion into every minute detail of the curriculum to make learning interactive and dynamic. Looking for more on our approach to active learning? Visit Podar Prep Official or find out about it in detail on our website Podar Prep. Ready to give your child movement-based learning from the best pre-school? Enrol now!


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