Ensuring Safety with The ‘Child Smart Card’ at Podar Prep!

Ensuring Safety with The ‘Child Smart Card’ at Podar Prep!


At Podar Prep, we always prioritise the safety and security of your child, and this smart card is another step towards ensuring just that.

So, what exactly is the Child Smart Card? Well, it’s a clever little card that your child will be wearing every day when they come to school. But don’t worry; it’s not just any regular ID card. We call it a “smart” card because it’s designed to take care of your child’s safety in a smart way!

Let’s dive into the details of how this Child Smart Card works:

  • Wear It Daily for Safety and Self-Identity: We insist that your child wears the Smart Card daily. Not only does it enhance their safety and security while at school, but it also boosts their self-identity when teachers and staff call them by their names.

  • Keep Us Informed: Any changes in your address, contact numbers, or transportation route should be communicated to the teacher in writing. This helps us keep our records up-to-date and ensures smooth communication.

  • Handle Changes with Care: If there are any changes in the Smart Card information, please don’t overwrite or use stickers. Instead, submit a written application to get a new Smart Card with the updated details.

  • Recent Photographs: The photograph affixed to the Smart Card should be recent to make identification easier for everyone.

  • Valid for the Academic Year: Remember, the Smart Card is valid for the current academic year only.

Remember, your cooperation with the Child Smart Card procedure is vital for your child’s safety. We take every precaution to ensure the well-being of our students, and with your help, we can create a safer and more secure environment for everyone.

Thank you for being a part of this smart safety initiative at Podar Prep!

To contact the nearest Podar Prep centre, click here: https://podarprep.com/locations/


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