Understanding and Supporting EmotionalĀ Development in Young Children

Understanding and Supporting EmotionalĀ Development in Young Children

Podar Prep-74

Emotional development is an essential part of growing up. It is in this aspect that children learn about his/her feelings and of others, manage their emotions, and establish sound relationships. We will be looking at what emotional development means, the stages children go through, how to know that they’re doing so safely, and how important it is for both parents and the school to chaperone this part of childhood.

Emotional Development in children

Essentially, the emotional development of a child is the process of learning to identify, express, and regulate one’s emotions. It forms the basis of well-being, influencing social life and mental health, as well as how well adversities will be coped with if they should emerge.

Emotional growth contributes to building the faculties of empathy, strength, and a sense of security in forming the personality of the child.

Stages of Emotional Development in Childhood

As per a study, affective development in a child passes through several stages. Infancy, from birth to two years, marks the beginning of basic expressions by infants of emotions like joy, anger, sadness, and fear. They attach themselves to the caregiver and learn to trust. 

Preschool: From 3-5 years, children learn more about their own feelings and begin to show concern for the feelings of others. They develop the skill to describe their emotions with words and make the first friends.

Early Childhood: Between 5-7 years, children begin to improve their emotional control, empathy, and social skills. They learn to understand the more elaborate emotions and to find a way through social situations.

Signs of Healthy Emotional Development in Childhood

Healthy emotional development means: 

Expression: Children will express in a mature and appropriate way a full range of feelings. 

Self-Regulation: They regulate their emotions, even when they are very sad/upset/angry.

Positive Relationships: They can initiate and maintain friendships, share humorously with peers, and get along well with peers and adults.

Resilience: They cope with setbacks and deal with stress in a healthy manner.

How Parents Can Help

Parents can play a very key role in nurturing their child’s emotional development:

Model Emotional Intelligence: Parents can teach their children the ways to express and deal with emotions by modelling the behaviours themselves. Take the child’s feelings seriously; let him know it’s okay to feel as he does: “I understand that you are upset because your toy is broken. It is okay to feel sad.”

Label the Emotions: Teaching Emotion words allows your child to identify his/her feelings. In this way, you will provide them with words describing their feelings.

Comfort and Security: Allow your child to feel secure by creating a safe environment for him/her. Let him/ her feel sure of themselves. Repetitive routines, limits also contribute to developing security.

Empathise with others: The situation may be anything; describe other people’s feelings to your child and encourage him or her to put themselves in other people’s shoes and feel exactly how they feel.

How the School Can Contribute

Positive Class Environment: Establish a class environment where the kids are sure of being respected, appreciated, and free to talk their minds.

Parental Involvement: Avail opportunities for parents to take part in the emotional education of children either through workshops or other regular modes of communication.

School Counselling Services: Assist in availing a school counsellor who could offer the child further support when they perhaps are encountering problems with regard to emotions.


Emotional development in children is the key towards their overall growth and happiness. Understanding the phases of emotional development, encouraging healthy emotional expression, and giving support at home and school will go a long way toward the building of emotionally intelligent and resilient children.

At Podar Prep, we believe in emotional development in children alongside their academic learning. This holistic approach makes a child ready for every challenge that life throws at them.

Get ready to support your child’s emotional growth. Join Podar Prep today and help nurture their emotional intelligence!


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